Day Old Chicks (2025 presale)

from $209.99

No shipping outside of the Continental USA
Free Shipping

Estimated Shipping:

Madigan Claret: Early June
Radio: 2-3 weeks
Yellow Leg Hatch: Early July
Rat Graves Leiper: Mid May
Lacy Roundhead: Mid May
Regular Grey: Not Currently Available
Reb Williams Albany: Not Currently Available
Ginn Grey Toppy: Mid-April

Specify the Breeds you would like on the next page

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No shipping outside of the Continental USA
Free Shipping

Estimated Shipping:

Madigan Claret: Early June
Radio: 2-3 weeks
Yellow Leg Hatch: Early July
Rat Graves Leiper: Mid May
Lacy Roundhead: Mid May
Regular Grey: Not Currently Available
Reb Williams Albany: Not Currently Available
Ginn Grey Toppy: Mid-April

Specify the Breeds you would like on the next page

No shipping outside of the Continental USA
Free Shipping

Estimated Shipping:

Madigan Claret: Early June
Radio: 2-3 weeks
Yellow Leg Hatch: Early July
Rat Graves Leiper: Mid May
Lacy Roundhead: Mid May
Regular Grey: Not Currently Available
Reb Williams Albany: Not Currently Available
Ginn Grey Toppy: Mid-April

Specify the Breeds you would like on the next page

Pinnon Hatch Farms Gamefowl Day Old Chicks are the perfect addition to any poultry enthusiast's flock. These purebred chicks are hatched and shipped directly from our farm with the highest quality genetic stock. Our Gamefowl Day Old Chicks are bred for their vigor and hardiness, as well as their beauty and elegance. Whether you are a breeder, exhibitor, or just looking for a backyard pet, these chicks are perfect for you! With unbeatable prices, you won't find a better deal anywhere else. Start your Gamefowl flock today with Pinnon Hatch Farms Gamefowl Day Old Chicks!


When will my chicks ship?

We start shipping out chicks in mid to late March depending on the weather. We start taking preorders in November and try our best to get orders out in the order that we receive them. We are a small family-run hatchery and try to get orders out as quickly as possible. If you would like to receive your order in early spring I would highly recommend getting your order in by December. We try our best to give you an accurate estimated time of arrival. These are estimates, not guarantees. We have a limited number of chicks shipping out every week and chicken laying and hatching can be unpredictable. If your chicks are taking too long and you are tired of waiting just give us a call and we will issue you a full refund no questions asked. You are not locked into your order once it’s placed.

How will my chicks ship?

Chicks will ship USPS Priority Express 1-2 business days

Is it safe for the chicks?

The vast majority of the chicks we ship arrive alive and arrive healthily but we all know that the post office can be unpredictable sometimes, packages take longer than expected or become lost completely. This is tragic and if you are one of the unlucky few to lose their chicks in shipment just contact us and we will be happy to reship or refund your order.

How old are they?

All chicks are one day old at the time of shipment

Can I pick the sex?

No. We exclusively ship straight runs. We do not sex chicks before shipment.

Are my chicks breedable?

Yes. We have a lot of different breed pens and you will receive a mix of different pens.

Are they Vaccinated?

Chicks are vaccinated for Marek's disease before shipment

Can I get mixed-breed chicks?

No. will only raise pure-breed chicken.

Can I get a mix of breeds in my order?

Yes. No problem. If you order a 7-pack of chicks we have no problem sending 2 Yellow Leg Hatch, 4 Madigin Claret, & 1 Reb Williams Albany or any other mix you would like.

If I receive multiple breeds, how do I tell them apart?

We Toe mark the chicks by breed before shipment. attached to the box will be a USDA form. On the bottom of the form, we handwrite how each breed is marked. L for left foot. R for right foot. I for inner webbing. O for outer webbing.

This Example would be marked LI for Left Foot Inner Web


I have a pre-order. Will I lose my deposit if I change my mind?

No. We know life happens. If you change your mind about your order for any reason, prior to your order being shipped, just give us a call. We will refund your order in full, no questions asked.

What about Avian Influenza?

We are NPIP compliant. The USDA comes out to test our birds regularly and we are not allowing guests on the farm. Only a handful of people are allowed around the birds to prevent infection from getting tracked into the pens on anyone’s shoes and we use 1” mesh netting on all of our pens to prevent wild birds from spreading disease. All chicks that are shipped are hatched in an incubator and never have any interaction with the flock.

Some states have restricted shipments of chicks if avian influenza has been detected in the state of origin in the past 30 days. If that happens we will contact you and will either hold the order until the restrictions are lifted or refund you on the order.


Poultry Protection Netting

We use 1” Heavy Knotted Poultry Netting on our Pens. Not only does this netting work great for keeping wild birds from spreading disease but it is also great at keeping predators out. This is a really strong netting with an 85/245lb per mesh break/burst rating. It is kind of a pain to install and we don’t like to do it often. That’s why we use a highly UV-resistant material to make sure it lasts for a really long time. The pictured netting is almost 9 years old and still extremely strong.

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