0703 - Brooder, Poultry +2 Expanded Grow Pens


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GQF battery brooders with clear panels are ideal for displaying all types of chicks

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GQF battery brooders with clear panels are ideal for displaying all types of chicks

0582 - Automatic Water Kit for 0703 3-Deck Brooder/Grow Off
Add 4019 - 5 Gal Water Tank:
0530 Clear Brooder Trough Cover

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Current Handling Time: 5-10 Business Days
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GQF battery brooders with clear panels are ideal for displaying all types of chicks

THIS CAN BE THE START OF A VERY LUCRATIVE ENTERPRISE, producing approximately 48 chickens a month in a very limited space. Put approximately 48 chicks (day old) from a hatchery or incubator into the brooder for warmth, feed, and water. After four weeks, move 24 birds into each grow-off pen and put 48 new chicks in the brooder. That's 96 birds kept comfortably in less than 11 square ft. 49 inches tall. Includes one brooder, two expanded grow-off pens, brooder base, and casters. The 0703 Model only comes with one heating unit. Grow Off Pens do not come with heaters.

Does this unit come with heaters?

The brooder section does have a heater but the 2 grow-off sections are unheated. Heaters can be added to this section with the 0555 Upgrade kit

How many chicks will this hold?

The brooder will hold 48 chicks. It is recommended that you keep up to 48 chicks in the brooder for 4 weeks and then move them into the grow-off pens (24 in each) for an additional 4 weeks.

How big is it?

32" Wide x 38" Front to Back x 49” Tall

Does is come assembled?

No. It is far to big and fragile to ship in one piece. but it’s not to hard to put together with just a few tools. instruction below.

Can I attach a water reserve?

Yes. The 0582 Automatic Water Kit can be hooked directly to a hose so you never have to worry about your chicks running out of water. The pitfall of this is that if there is a leak it could be a major issue. Personally, I recommend connecting a 0582 Auto water kit to a 5-gallon water tank instead. It’s what I personally use on my brooders that way if there is a leak it is at most a 5-gallon leak. This will generally keep your chicks watered for a week.

Where can I get some chicks?

There are a lot of people online that you can buy chicks from if you are looking for a certain breed. You can find the chicks we have available —>here<—

0705 - Stacked Grow Off Pen, One for Birds & Chicks
0580 - Automatic Water Kit for 5-Stack Battery Brooders
from $99.99
0578 - Brooder Automatic Waterer
0540 - Deck Game Bird/Poultry Battery Brooder
0582 - Automatic Water Kit for 0703 3-Deck Brooder/Grow Off
from $78.99