Lacy Roundhead
Lacy Roundhead
For information on availability or to order please give us a call Bruce Jones 573-881-4024 Mon-Fri 9 am - 5 pm CST
ALL BIRDS ARE FOR BREEDING AND SHOW PURPOSES ONLY. NONE SOLD FOR ANY ILLEGAL PURPOSES. NO BIRDS ARE SOLD FOR FIGHTING PURPOSES. PLEASE DO NOT ASK. We are currently shipping out Eggs and we ship day-old chicks every week from March through September. Thanks.-Bruce
Prices :
Young Trios $1025 & Up
Mature Trios $1650 & Up
Brood Cocks $750 & Up
Brood Hens $550 & Up
Young Stags $425 & Up
Young Pullet $325 & Up
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Grandpa got these from Oscar Akins back in 1974. Grandpa & Oscar were very good friends and traded birds back and forth for years. Most will have white in their tail feathers. They are very intelligent bird. Over on the Islands they like to cross these with our YLH.